Can You Get Hired After Bankruptcy? Here’s What You Need to Know

In today’s economy, many employers require various screening procedures before hiring a potential new employee, including drug screening, background checks and credit inquiries. Finding jobs after bankruptcy can be a difficult task, but with a few tools and a sparkling resume, it is not impossible.
How Bankruptcy affects the Job Market
Bankruptcy has an impact on the average person’s ability to find a job in some circumstances. Fields that are higher-paid or that deal with large amounts of money often perform credit checks in order to determine a potential employee’s level of financial responsibility. Although this may seem counterproductive, people working in banks and high-profile careers are often required to prove their ability to remain calm and productive under times of stress, and bankruptcy is often seen as a sign of weakness by prospective employers. Finding a job after bankruptcy is an imperative part of rebuilding credit, however. What are the options for finding jobs after bankruptcy?
Determining the Best Job Opportunities
Although many prospective employers will perform a credit check to determine financial responsibility, this does not take away from a potential employee’s training and job experience.
The likelihood that an employer would choose an employee with perfect credit and no experience over someone with tons of experience and a bankruptcy on file is slim to none in most career fields. Many employers will often take the circumstances leading up to the bankruptcy into consideration as well. For instance, someone who has filed bankruptcy due to the loss of their spouse or involuntary layoff may be able to prove that their financial responsibility is not in question.
Is it Discrimination?
Bankruptcy is a federal financial protection option, so there are federal laws in place that protect both the debtor and the creditors. Many of these laws have to do with the ability of a potential employer to use credit checks as a sole determining factor in whether or not to provide jobs to those that seek them. Federal laws have often deemed this practice discriminatory, but it is very difficult for potential employees to prove they have been discriminated against. People who feel they are being treated unfairly when finding a job after bankruptcy should seek legal advice before proceeding to place blame or otherwise persecute the company or employer.
Highlight Talents
Since laws often prohibit employers from shunning potential employees based upon credit history alone, it is important for people trying to find a job after bankruptcy to create a sparkling resume that focuses on their training, experience and talents. Letters of recommendation from previous employers are often great tools to add to resumes, and they are easily obtained in most circumstances. Job seekers should also include any extra-curricular activities that have positive impacts on their profession of choice, as well as any general talents that will help them perform their job efficiently. If a potential employer is able to see an array of good qualities, glitches in credit scores are often not weighed as heavily.
Show Willingness to Improve Credit Score
Sometimes, finding a job after bankruptcy requires a credit score in order to determine trustworthiness. Bankers and other people who deal with large numbers of financial transactions in their careers may be required to have great credit. This may not be a stopping point for someone with bankruptcy, however. The circumstances behind the bankruptcy as well as the steps that are being taken to resolve the financial issues at hand are often very important to potential employers. Some job seekers prefer to provide potential employers with cumulative credit reports that show their improvement since the onset of bankruptcy. Significant improvement is often a sign of dedication in and out of the workplace.
Explore Alternatives
In some very rare cases, people who are experienced in a particular field may have trouble finding a job after bankruptcy that suits their training and expertise. There are options available for people who have experienced bankruptcy and cannot find work. Many adult training centers offer free classes for people who would like to learn new skills to make them more employable. Several grants and scholarships are available to adults in certain age ranges who would like to return to school in order to get a degree or get more education in different fields of study, and bankruptcy is often a qualifier for these. Searching the internet can provide a list of grants and free adult education centers in certain areas.
Finding a job after bankruptcy can certainly be a challenge, but there are many ways to be successful when seeking employment. A good resume and the desire to work hard are usually all that are needed to find jobs after bankruptcy.